Classroom Jobs Picture

Well... at least *I think* I have a picture for you.

Here's the deal...I live in an apartment, pretty far from work, and I tend to move quite a bit...therefore all of my *teacher* and *crafty* items are stored at my parent's house- which is about 40 minutes from me. Also I am unable to get into my classroom until late August, and of course I took like ZERO pictures this year.

So, I am left to use my lovely household items to try and "re-create" my classroom in my living room. Yeah, not so much. I couldn't even find the tape!! I really wanted to show you how I set up these classroom jobs in my itty-bitty room, because I feel like it could really help some of you that have absolutely NO space in your classroom. I also felt like my HORRIBLE explanation of how I set them up in my last post was... well... scary and confusing. So here ya' go! Please excuse my dining room furniture, my fridge, my dirty wall, and is that my boyfriend in the background snuggling on the couch? Hehe!! Excuse the lovely I-phone quality! Also, for whatever reason my phone wouldn't pick up the black ink in this photo, but when it prints it's super sharp and bold. Darn I-phones!!

You can purchase both sets of classroom jobs in my store.  While you're there, pick up this freebie! I created this document which goes through every possible job my students could have to keep them accountable for their environment. I also included a couple different versions depending on my student numbers. Enjoy!!

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