Bloggers and bloggers and bloggers -OH MY!

While browsing one of my favorite blogs- The Teaching Thief I was directed to this amazing link up with this NEWBIE blogger, Tales From a 4th and 5th grade teacher!! THEY ALL must have READ MY MIND!! Just today I was thinking to myself that summer time is SUCH a wonderful time to find these new amazing bloggers, and literally die spending 3+ hours scouring through them and find amazing new teachers! It has to be my favorite past time. One thing I was thinking about today in the world can I find all of those new and amazing upper-el blogs in this MASSIVE sea of bloggy-world!? (great word). I don't know about you, but when I miss a blog or a day of blog reading I get REALLY nervous that I missed some incredible ideas. Hence...the 3+ hours or reading :) Ah well! Much better than reality TV I guess!

Head on over to Tales From a 4th and 5th grade teacher to find MORE amazing blogs! Your significant other will love you;) hah not!

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