Amazing Idea for Homework Management!

(Ms. Noble's picture)
**UPDATE! I now have a video that walks you through step-by-step use of the Homework Hotspot. Scroll to the bottom of this post to check out the video!

Last summer when Pinterest was a new phenomenon that many people didn't know about yet...I was gobbling up all the amazing teaching ideas and goodies that I could get my hands on. My favorite idea that has truly SAVED MY LIFE has been the "Homework Hotspot" (name changed from Homework Hangout).  Read my last post on this amazing find (from I believe the amazing Ms. Noble?) here!

This is where my students turn their work in every morning. It has been a classroom management dream to have this as opposed to subject baskets to turn homework in. I can easily see who is missing what, and I have a student whose job it is to be the "Homework Hotspot" checker each morning. Not only does it help me to see who has turned in assignments that day, but also when it's time to enter grades, all I have to do is grab each paper out of the spot in number order and my student's papers are in alphabetical order for easy grade entering. No more disorganized papers in baskets. No more shuffling through papers trying to put them in alphabetical order. Also, if I have a no name paper it's easy to see whose paper it is based on where it falls in my already ABC ordered pile. I also have noticed students looking at their Homework Hotspot number at the end of the day while filling out planners.

I usually give my students some time to start homework at the end of the day and sometimes a few will forget if they have turned in their work already, or if they shoved it back into their homework folder. A quick glance to our "Homework Hotspot" and they can see if their "number" slot is empty or has their homework paper it in. So, it helps the students stay organized tool!! Organized teachers AND organized students?? Yes please!

Click here or on the picture to grab my "Homework Hotspot" signs, and click here to grab my yellow polka dot or black printable "Homework Hotspot" numbers/circles. I purchased 2 hanging pocket folders from Ebay last summer for super cheap. I printed the "Homework Hotspot Printable Number Circles on card stock, laminated them, and hot glued them to the pocket folders at the bottom of the "pocket", so that each student had a pocket (as designated by their student number)...and wah-la! Enjoy!!!

**UPDATE! I now have a video that walks you through step-by-step use of the Homework Hotspot. Click HERE to check it out! 
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