Common Core

Good 'ol Common Core State Standards, right? I know. If you're like me your Pinterest account has been been bombarded with all of these amazing Common Core posters and printables and of course super cute "I Can" binder inserts! Swoon? Not so much. Being that I am a (fairly) new teacher, this upcoming year being my 4th year teaching, I was just getting the hang of our state's grade level content expectations (aka- GLCE's for all you non-Michiganders). I am learning that this is how the world of teaching tends to be, LOTS of changes and you best be able to adapt quickly.

So, adapt I must! Between tutoring my little kindergarten babies, and spoiling my sweetie for his birthday, I created this 40+ page of math problems that are specifically aligned to the numbers and operations in base ten strands for the 5th Grade Common Core State Standards.

Click here to go to my Teachers Pay Teachers store to check it out! 

In this packet I have 20 pages of math problems (5 problems per page) and 20 pages of answer keys with the common core strand written under each problem. You can use this packet in a number of different ways, and some ideas I had were:
-exit slips
-summative assessment
-formative assessment
-cut each problem out and play some type of game?
-review for a test?

I am sure the possibilities are endless. I hope you can use these in your classroom, since there aren't too many good printables for upper-el (at least I can't find any??). So enjoy! Any feedback/comments on this product are greatly appreciated!!! Thanks!!!
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