In love!

You fellow, fabulous teachers are all SO AMAZING!!! I recently found this on Pinterest...(and remember seeing it out in the bloggy world before). I am so in love. I die.

Yes we teachers fall absolutely in love with things like amazing pocket chart displays. We do love cute clothes and shoes too, but a pocket chart!? YES PLEASE!

Something I constantly struggle with is organization of missing assignments. Our students spend their recess time at "catch up corner" if they fail to turn their homework in. I often have a good handful of sassy 5th graders that do not turn their homework in. It can be a struggle to not only keep up with this, but to remember who is going to "catch up corner" that day.

There have been many days where recess time has come and I am like!!!! Then it's like a mad scramble to the paper turn in area to figure out who needs to go. This year I plan on putting a student in charge of this as a job, and perhaps for the students that don't turn in their homework, there can be some type of visual? Perhaps a red file folder as an alert for me. Now if only I could get my hands on pocket charts that are WAY cheaper then the ones I am seeing out at Really Good Stuff, Lakeshore and Creative Teaching! GRR! Perhaps a lil DIY?

**You can see an updated version of my Homework Hotspot, and grab some freebies HERE and HERE!!

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