Student Data Tracking Binders and Standards Based Assessments FAQ!

Happy Sunday teachers! Are you busy PLANNING away for the New Year? Perhaps you've been back since Wednesday like me?!

If you're going back tomorrow, check out THIS BLOG POST for some ideas on your first days back with your students!

Lately, I've been receiving so many amazing questions about my Student Data Tracking Binders and Standards Based Assessments and Teaching Notes! With the New Year, a lot of teachers are using this time to start them in their classrooms!

So, to help you all out a bit more, I created this FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS FREEBIE! My hopes are that this freebie helps you implement the binders easier in your classrooms! I've said this in many posts, but these binders and assessments have profoundly changed my classroom for the better!

If you're reading through this freebie and realize you still have questions, don't hesitate to email me or write your questions in the comments section below.

Grab a cup of JAVA and enjoy!

**Side note: Thanks to all of the fabulous teachers that have emailed me, written on my YoungTeacherLove facebook wall and have left comments here telling me about how the binders and assessments work in their own classrooms. It means the WORLD to me, and I love to hear how it is going for you! SO THANK YOU! Keep it coming my friends!

I am also linking up with Ms. Farley again for her January Currently Linky! A little late, yes, but I love this linky! It's a great way to find other new blogs out there!

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