Product Swap: Who's in the Hot Seat!

Hello and happy Saturday teacher friends!

I'm so excited to be a part of my very first product swap!!


I was lucky enough to be partnered up with Ms. Bridget Pearsall of the blog:

Little Lovely Leaders
She's a fellow fifth grade teacher, and girlfriend has got it going on! Have you seen her adorable blog and TpT store? If not, you have to check them out! 
I checked out her TpT store, and knew that I had to have her Common Core Math Hot Seats!

Directly on the heels of our (extra long) holiday break, and with our mid-year math assessments coming up, this was PERFECT for a review activity! 

This packet includes TONS of review questions for every Common Core Standard. I printed them out after my students left one evening so that they would be ready to go first thing the next morning. The prep work was super easy (which I love!) All I had to do was cut out the individual rectangles and tape them underneath my students' desks! 

I really wanted to play the "correct way" and tape them to my students' chairs for the next day, but will you please look at this chair stacking...

My "chair stacker" takes his job VERY seriously.  He totally would have noticed if I messed with THAT masterpiece! Next time I may tape these to my students' chairs when they leave for lunch! 

When my students came in the next morning, I simply yelled out, "WHO'S IN THE HOT SEAT?" 

Of course I heard crickets, and they all looked at me like I was insane, but I told them that they would have to look under their tables to see if they were in the "Hot Seat." 

I only taped it under a few students' desks this first time around so that we could "get the hang of it." But next time, I plan to add more. Not to mention, I can differentiate with my high/low learners. I can tape some higher level (or concepts we haven't touched on yet) hot seat slips under the seats at my higher learners' tables.

Naturally though, you would have thought I just told the kids they won a million dollars. They started freaking out and one kid even asked me if this was like lucky tray day at lunch (um...I guess?!) ;) Once the students realized they were in the "Hot Seat", they read their question aloud to show how much they know.

I mean...seriously? GENIUS!! My students even told me this was FUN! HA! No super boring, long worksheets to review, it took me about 2 minutes to prepare! I am in LOVE! A few of my students even came in the next day and immediately looked under their desks to see if they were in the "Hot Seat!"  

Thank you for this FABULOUS resource Bridget! Go check out Lovely Little Leaders to see what Bridget used of mine in her classroom! 

P.S.**I'm having a sale on it** ;)

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