Happy Sunday Night!!! Oopsies- I guess Monday since it's now midnight! Isn't it wonderful to have a sunday night with out those fluttery butterfly feelings in your stomach? Like ohmygosh- am I organized for the week, do I have my lesson plans ready, are my ducks in a row, do I have this meeting, that meeting, did I remember to call that parent AHH! Oh the joy of summer vacations! I am so bad in the summers, my true night owl comes out and I stay up SUPER late and sleep in. But isn't that was summer is all about? I do tutor all summer which is awesome. I have some great students that I'll be tutoring this summer. What's funny is they're ALL kindergarten babies this year, SUCH a difference from my normal 10 and 11 year old 5th graders! It shall be fun! Does anyone else have summer jobs?
Here is a freebie to get thinking about the beginning of the year (eek!)
This is a supplies checklist I have out on every student's desk on the first day of school. I greet my students at the door and they immediately start to read this check list, which is wonderful. It gives the students a task right away so they ease up and get used to our classroom and don't feel awkward, also it allows me to greet students and parents, and stay organized on that always chaotic first day! I hope you enjoy!!
Oh the joys of staying up late!
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