Let's Dabble In a Little Reading, Shall We?!

I think it's time we start jumpin' on that reading and writing train!! For all of my fellow upper-el teachers out there, specifically the 5th grade teachers, do you tend to find that math is the easiest to teach, track and assess? I always feel like I struggle with my reading and writing. Well, I shouldn't say *struggle* but it's less black and white for me. I always feel like I am changing it up from year to year. I have tried the Daily 3,4 and 5 (didn't like it). I have done lit circles, book clubs, reading workshop, guided groups, strategy groups, the WHOLE gamut. What works best for you all? I always find my self going back to the ever so lovely workshop style. I love pulling my kids to the carpet and explicitly teaching them those strategies with mentor texts, allowing that independent time, the conferring, and then the celebrations and share time. I always find that my kids love this style too. I mean, we could spend hours just sharing connections and summaries, and visualizations each day. It's fun!
A picture of my classroom library! 
Over the next few blog posts, I hope to share a bit more of what reading looks like and also share some fun things my kids have enjoyed learning about and creating during our literacy time!

One of my favorite things to use during my literacy block is reader's theater plays! I am sure many of you can agree. They are a blast and the kids absolutely LOVE them. They are a great way to incorporate your other subjects into your literacy block too! I have so many reader's theater scripts with social studies content, science content and even a few math ones.  Most importantly, students have the opportunity to practice their fluency and *becoming the character* is always encouraged! It also allows your students some fun time to work together. One of my favorite parts is when I walk the room during the *choosing parts* time. I can ALWAYS get a better feel for those strong personalities/ leaders and those quiet/shy kids. These are GREAT TEACHABLE MOMENTS about kindness, including others, looking out for those quiet kids, and working well with your peers.).

Something I added last year that has my kids begging for more scripts are PROPS!!! So easy and so fun!!

I bought the wooden sticks at Michael's for about $2.00, and they come in many different sizes. You could either print these out on card stock, or put a piece of thick foam paper under the outline and trace the template with an knife or scissors (the squishy foam paper kind- if that makes sense?), or even laminate them to make them last longer. You can either use black electrical tape or a hot glue gun to adhere the props to the sticks. SO much fun! *Just click on the images below and the props will automatically download to your computer. Enjoy!! 

*Photo props and images courtesy of: Oh Happy Day Blog
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